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Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S) History

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S) KHIDMAT TO THE  "PEER-O-MURSHED"

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S) THE ATTENDENCE AT  "AALA DARBARS"

 Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz 's (Peer o Murshad) Religious and spiritual leader Teacher) , Hazrat Khwaja Syed Usman-E-Harooni Chishty

     Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) remained in the company of his Peer-O-Mursheed  (Religious and spiritual leader) , Hazrat Khwaja Syed Usman-E-Harooni Chishty for twenty years and served him devotedly and when he was on journey along with his Peer-O-Murshed , he used to keep all the necessary things upon his head.


Panjetan Paak ka Noor-E-Nazar,

Shaher e Ajmer mai hai Jalwagar.

         Hazrat Khwaja Syed Usman-E-Harooni Chishty (A.S.) said; "I am proud of such a disciple like Moinuddin. Attending (Khidmat) a superior (Peer) and his appreciation are only the destiny of Haqiqat and Marfat . Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) told that by attending and obedience to a Peer, high rank is being bestowed. He said that, "At first my 'Murshed takes me with him to 'Macca Moazzema' and after getting free from Hajj , my Peer prayed 'Forgive the followers of Rasool-E-Paak (S.A.W.) . O Parvar Degar-E-Alam; accept my Moinuddin in your Bargah. An invisible voice come "I've accepted; and again Peer-o-Murshed prayed "Make Moinuddin as like as me and bestow success." The voice come "Aie, Usman, Moinuddin is my beneficent . I am pleased with him and include him among my all beloveds. "This news came into being the reason of happiness for my murshed and for myself. After that, Peer-o-murshed takes me with him to Madina Manawara at the 'Bargah of Rasool-E-Paak (S.A.W.) and going there he offered, the Nazrana of Salat-o-salaam and Darud-E-Paak and prayed "Aie Aaka (Lord) and Moula accept my Moinuddin at your 'Bargah' and your 'Khidmat' "A voice came from the Darbar, "I've accepted Moinuddin. He is the leader of all 'Values' and my grace is always with him." After that Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz presents himself at 'Jannat-ul-Baqi' of Shahzadi-E-Islam SYEDA Maa 'Khatun-E-Jannat' and his murshed prayed for acceptance and grace also over there. His prayers are granted and accepted also. Hazrat Khwaja Syed Usman-E-Harooni (R.A.) and Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti (A.S) were the descendants of Maa Khatun-E-Jannat and Hazrat Ali (A.S.) "Syed".

                               Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S) said Rubayee through his prayer:



                                                            BA BAHRE GAM GIRAFTARAM ALI-E -MURTUZA DASTE ,


                                                      CHIRA DASTAM NAGIRE YA ALI BAHRE KHUDA DASTE


  Presents himself at the Bargah of Imamul Auliya, Vali-E-Awwal Hazrat Huzur Mola Imam Syed Ali Sher-E-Khuda (A.S.) and his murshed earnestly requested also over there to accept Khwaja sb. (R.A.) and Khwaja sb. (R.A.) accepted . Because , Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin chishti 'Gharib Nawaz' (R.A.) and his peer-o-murshed are the descendants of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) Hazrat Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) presents himself at the Bargah of Imamul Auliya, Vali-E-Awwal Hazrat Ali Sher-E-Khuda (A.S.) and his murshed earnestly requested also over there to accept Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) and Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) accepted. Because, Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti' Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) and his Peer-O-murshed are the descendants of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) . But in case of 'vali' without the permission of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) 'vilayat' is never to get. Because, AllahPaak make the end of Nabuwat with Mohammed Mustafa (S.A.W.) Imamul Ambia and transfer this Nabuwat in Vilayat. And still the permission is not granted by Hazrat Ali Imamul Auliya (A.S.) on the certificate of Vilayat, Vilayat is never to get only AllahPaak better know the glory of Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S)

 We just know that he is Aal-E-Nabi (S.A.W.) , Aulad-E-Ali (A.S.) Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S)


" TUMHARA DAR TO DARE MUSTAFA SE MILTA HAI,                             


                        AUR TUHARA NOOR TO NOOR-E-KHUDA SE MILT HAI.



Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz in Darbar of 'Shahauda-E-Karbala Hazrat Mola Imam Syed Hussain (A.S.)


 Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) also presents himself at the Darbar of 'Shahauda-E-Karbala Hazrat Mola Imam Syed Hussain (A.S.) and attained acceptance .

                  In the glory of Hazrat Iamam Hussain (A.S.) he recited a 'Sher' Rubaye (poem) which is famous and popular :-


                         DEEN AAST HUSSAIN (A.S.) DEEN PANAH AAST HUSSAIN (A.S.)




        Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz in


                 The reason of my writing these topics in detail is that the books which are available in market, in those books these topics such as the attendance of Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz (A.S) with his Peer-O-murshed at the Bargah of Hazrat Mola Imam Syed Ali Sher e Khuda (A.S.), Maa Khatun-E-Jannat Aaqazadi Rasoolzadi Syeda Fatma Zehra (A.S.) Hazrat Mola Imam Syed Imam Hassan (A.S.) and Hazrat Mola Imam Syed Hussain (A.S.) offered prayer and the prayer was accepted etc . are not mentioned . I don't know why the writer did not mention these topics. It is our righteousness (faith) . The main point is that, Rasool-E-Paak (S.A.W.) , Hazrat Ali (A.S.) , MAA KHATUN-E-JANNAT (A.S.), HAZRAT IMAM HASSAN (A.S.) , HAZRAT IMAM HUSSAIN (A.S.) are the ancestors (Jadd-E-Amjad) of Khwaja Usman-E-Harooni (A.S.) and Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S) . Incase of worldly matter when a child achieves 1st rank or 1st division in the class and for this achievement the name of the school or college is being high and also make high the name of country . The Principal, VIPS. Prime Minister, President also appreciate and are proud of this child (student) and they applaud and sign the certificate. But Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S)) is 'Aal-E-Nabi', 'Aulad-E-Ali' and he served his Peer-O-Murshed obediently and devotedly day and night so , Peer-o-murshed said, "I am proud of such a disciple like Moinuddin" when anybody reaches at this stage and Peer-O-Murshed want to take his disciple with him to the bargah of Imamul Ambia Rasool-E-Paak (S.A.W.), Imamul Auliya Hazrat Ali (A.S.) Maa Khatam-E-Jannat (A.S.), Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S.) and Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) , it is quite impossible. Because , his disciple Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) is favorite of AllahPaak and also from His (Khuda) 'Noor'. Today which everybody gets from the Darba r of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) it is the 'alms' (Sadqah) of his ancestors (Jadd-E-Amjad). He spreads the message of humanity. Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S) attained acceptance & appreciation by the grace of Panjetan Paak (A.S.) and by the blessing of his Peer-O-murshed. Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S)

                   KHWAJA GARIB NAWAZ wrote the following Dua in the glory of 14 'Masums' :-














Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) opened his eyes in an era, which was full of turmoil. The tyrant Tataris were sheding blood with brutality and achieving monetary gains. There was no peace anywhere and anarchy was prevailing in every nook and corner. The Tataris invaded Khurasan and defeated Sultan of Khurasan. They let loose carnage in the area. This was the place where the Tataris on one hand were causing brutality and on the other hand operating against the tenets of Islam. Since, Sultan of Khurasan was defeated the Tataris entered Khurasan without any resistance and ruined a number of cities like Osh (Mash-had), Muqaddam and Neshapur. Boys and girls were made slaves and all the mosques were destroyed innocent people were massacred and many highly respected, knowledgeable scholars were martyred.
Khwaja sahib (R.A.) was 13 at that time. He was very much distressed with this bloodshed and large scale destruction which he witnessed at an early age.

Father,Mother of Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz

Father (Walid Sb) Hazrat Khwaja Syed Gayasuddin Hassan

 Mother (Walda Sba) Syeda Bibi Umwalwara Mahenoor Sba

Khwaja sahib was at an small age of 14 when his father Hazrat Khwaja Syed Gayasuddin Hassan  left for his heavenly abode, and he became an orphan. He inherited a garden and a mill from his father. After a few months of his father's death his beloved mother Syeda Bibi Umwalwara Mahenoor Sba also left this transitory world. The only means of his livelihood was a garden and a mill, inherited from his father. Khwaja sahib (R.A.) himself looked after the garden. He watered the plants, and took a lot of pain in taking care of the land. In this way, he continued earning his bread and butter.


Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz

      Since his early age, Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) was fond of the company of dervesh, sufis and faqirs and had a great respect for them. One day, as to routine when he was watering the plants, a Majzoob arrived there. The Majzoob was Sheikh Ibrahim Qundoozi (R.A.). When Khwaja Sahib saw the old man, he left his work and stepped forward and welcomed him. He kissed the hand of the old man, took him to a tree and requested him to sit under its shadow. At that time Khwaja Sahib had nothing to offer him. It was the grape season and the bunch of grapes were there on the trees. He plucked a bunch of sweat and juicy grapes, offered him and then sat in front of him respectfully. The God-loving Majoob liked his gesture and enjoyed few pieces of grapes with pleasure. The enlightened Majzoob immediately recognized that the promising child is
GARIB NAWAZ As he had a great respect and love for Derveshes , Faqirs, Garib, Misqeen, love towards all.














Acquisition of knowledge :

Khwaja Sahib had to visit far flung areas to quench his thirst for knowledge. He continued his journey across untrodden ways, terrains of deserts, the rivers, difficult and steep mountains and thick forests. During his long and troublesome journey, he faced a lot of difficulties, till he reached Bukhara. There he acquired knowledge of Fiqh, Hadith and Tafseer and studied books on other related subjects in famous madarsas under the able guidance of eminent scholars of the time like Maulana Hussamuddin Bukhari (R.A.) who awarded him "Dastar-e-Fazilat" and enriched him with the knowledge so vastly that soon he became one of the most eminent and learned scholars of the period. Even then, his thirst for knowledge was not fulfilled, so with the permission of Maulana Husamuddin Bukhari (R.A.) he left for Samarkand and acquired there more knowledge and wisdom in each and every madarsah of the city.

In Search of Truth

Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishty (R.A.) was very restless and his thirst for acquisition of knowledge further fanned the fire of love and passion. So he left the land of Samarkand and repeating the name of Allah set off towards west. A large number of great holy saints were laid to rest everywhere in the west while a number of sagacious personalities were busy in the welfare and enlistment of the people. From Samarkand, he started his journey to Bulk in the south to continue his search for a Murshid-e-Kamil. But his efforts could not bear fruits and so he kept on traveling, as some internal passion was pushing him towards his goal.
At last he reached a town, named Haroon which was not away from Neshapur.

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti
Garib Nawaz (R.A.) meets the Pir-e-Kamil

Though Haroon was a small town but Allah was kind enough to its people and showering His blessings on them. In those days, Hazrat Khwaja Sheikh Syed Usman Harooni (R.A.) was there and his presence was filling the town with prosperity and blessings of God.
Hazrat Sheikh Syed Usman Harooni (R.A.) was among Mashaikh-e-Kubbar and people from far and near were gaining benefits from his spiritual knowledge. The needy were getting their desires fulfilled while the seekers of the truth were taking guidance from him.
At last, his love and passion for the truth made him reached to his gole i.e., he entered Haroon town. He was over joyed as he found the source to Eternity.
Since Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) had covered a long distance to reach Haroon town, his face and clothes were dusty. Though he was impatient to achieve his objective but he did not leave sincerity and firmness. He became the disciple of Hazrat Khwaja Shaikh Usman Harooni (R.A.) and the Pie-e-Kamil accepted him as his Mureed.

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti
Garib Nawaz narrated the entire episode as follows :

I presented myself in an assembly where august personalities were gathered and were sitting with great respect.
Huzoor instructed :
"Offer two Rakaat-Namaz".
I followed.
Then he asked me:
"Sit down facing Qibla".
I sat down with great respect facing Qibla.
He then asked me: "Recite Surah Baqar".
I obeyed him. He ordered: "Recite Subhan Allah sixty times". I did it. Then Huzoor hold my hand with his hand, looked at the sky and said:
"I have taken you to God".
At the end, Hazrat Shaikh (R.A.) put a special Turkish cap, called Kulah-e-Chahar-Turki on my head and awarded me a Chugha-e-Mubarak to put on and then asked me to sit down. Now he instructed me to recite Surah-e-Ikhlas a thousand times.

When I finished, he said, "Our Mashaikh complete a Mujahida of a day and night, so go and complete a Mujahida for the same period.

In obedience, I spent one day and one night in prayers and worshiping Allah. Next day I presented myself before him.

He asked me to sit and I sat down. He said, "Look into the sky". I did. He then enquired, "As to where do you see ?"
I answered, "To "Arsh-e-Mualla."
He instructed me to look into the earth. I followed. He then asked the same question: "As to where do you see?"
I said, "upto Tehtussara." he said, "Recite Surah Ikhlas a thousand times". When I completed, Hazrat asked to look into the sky.

I looked and said, "I clearly see till "Hijab-e-Azmat." he then asked me to close your eyes. I did the same. He then instructed me to open my eyes. I obeyed. Later he put two fingers before me and asked, "What do you see?"

I replied, "Eighteen thousand universes are before my eyes." As soon as I completed the sentence, he said, "Now, the job is over".
Later on, he pointed towards a brick, lying in a corner and asked me to remove it. There were some Dinars under it. He instructed me to distribute them among the poor, and that I did. At the end he said, "Be
with us for a few days." And it was a pleasure for me to be with him.

20 years of Service to Pir-o-Murshid


Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz did Khidmat 20 years of Service to his Pir-o-Murshid

Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishty (R.A.) became such a faithful follower of Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.) that he accompanied him at every moment. He carried his bedding, food, water and    other necessary items on his shoulders when on journey. He remained for 20 years in the company  of his Pir-o-Murshid and observed Riyazat and Mujahidat and during this period completed all the stages of Maar-e-fat and Haqeqat, besides gaining knowledge regarding the Israr-o-Rumooz of Faqeeri. 

Whatever guidance he had taken from his Pir-o-Murshid and observed some of his miracles are given below in his own words:

One day Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.) said to Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, "On the day of Judgement, no one, either he is a prophet, wali or a Muslim will be spared if he was not punctual to Namaz and he will be thrown into the Jahannam.

Says the Almighty in the Holy Quran :

"Those who are not punctual for Namaz, they will be kept in vell." Vell is a well in Jahannam, where the people who do not offer prayers on time will be kept under severe Chastisement. Then he further described that the vell asked the Almighty 70 thousand times that which group will be put under Chastisement. The answer from the Almighty is: "They will be those who do not offer their prayers on time"

Once when I was traveling with my Pir-o-Murshid reached the bank of Tigris river which was over flooded at that time. I was worried that how to cross the river. Gazrat said, "Close your eyes." I did accordingly and when I opened my eyes, we found ourselves across the river. I asked how it happened. He said, "I recited Alhamd five times and thus crossed the river."

Once, I was present in an assembly of Dervesh before my Pir-o-Murshid, an old man came there and said Salaam. Pir-o-Murshid stood-up and replied and asked him warmly to sit down. He said, "My son is missing for the last 30 years. I don't know whether he is dead or alive. I am very much shocked and depressed because of his missing. Kindly help me." He also requested for Fatiha Ikhlas. Hearing the entire episode, Hazrat absorbed himself in contemplation. After sometime he raised his head and asked the present assembly to recite Fatiha Ikhlas for return of the boy. So it was done accordingly. Later Hazrat asked the old man to go and come back with his son as and when he returns.
The old man was on his way back to home, when a man 'informed him about the return of his son. He rushed to his house, embraced his son and returned immediately to Hazrat with his son. Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.) asked the boy about his where-about. He answered, "I was on a boat in a sea and the owner of the boat had chained me. Today a Dervash, resembling with you came there, broke the chains, hold me with my neck tightly, and asked to put my foot on his hand and to close my eyes. After sometime, he asked me to open my eyes. And when I opened the eyes, I found myself alone at the door of my house. He wanted to continue, Khwaja Sahib stopped him and asked to keep mum. The old man kept his head on Hazrat's feet and later both the father and the son left away.

Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishty (R.A.) remained in the service of his Pir-o-Murshid for 20 years and devoted himself to him sincerely and whole heartedly. So the Pir-o-Murshid was very much pleased and impressed and he rewarded Khwaja Sahib with all his blessings. Thus after completing of all the stages of Maarefat and Haqeeqat under his guidance, the Pir-o-Murshid granted him all his Tabarrukat which he had received from the respected Durvesh and Sufi Saints.

 Thereafter he advised Khwaja Gharib Nawaz.

"O Moin! Never be dependent on people, never stay in populated areas, and never ask for any charity from anyone."
Khwaja Gharib Nawaz says, "Later he recited Surah Fatiha and kissed my head and eyes and said, "Be under the custody of Allah. Moinuddin is a friend of God and I am proud of his association with me."

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti
Garib Nawaz's Tours and Meetings with revered Personalities

It was a coincidence that during that period, Hazrat Khwaja Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.) reached there in search of a Murshid-e-Kamil and stayed in Isfahan. He used to be in the service of Seikh Mehmud Isfahani. As he had great faith in Sheikh Isfahani, he wanted to have a 'Bayt' (Fealty) with him to become a disciple of him, but the Almighty had attributed something different. One day, by chance he had a glance at the face of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti (R.A.) that was shining with divine light. All of a sudden he was attracted to the Khwaja and one day he expressed his dsire to become a disciple of him by performing a 'Bayt'. And so he joined the servitude of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz.

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti
Garib Nawaz Sahib in Baghdad

After leaving Hamadan, Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz stayed in Baghdad which was a centre of art and learning. A number of great Ulema, Fuzala, Sufia, Sulaha, Atqua and Aulia (great Scholars and pious persons) were present there, and the assemblies were always over crowded with seekers of knowledge. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) also joined one of them and obtained beneficence.

             Khwaja Sahib in Khana-e-Kaaba

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz Sahib in Khana-e-Kaaba




Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz reached Makkah Muazzamah in 583 Hijra and visited
Most of the time he performed
Tawaif (circumambulation) of Kaaba
and remained busy in offering prayers.

One day when he was busy in prayers,
 he heard the Divine voice.
"O Moinuddin ! I am pleased with you and grant you pardon.

       Ask for anything you wish."

Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) was very happy when he heard this. He immediately went into prostration and prayed with great humbleness,   
"O God!kindly forgive those who are my followers (Mureed".
 He again heard the same voice,
"O Moinuddin,
I grant your prayers and all those who enter into your clan,
till the Day of Judgement,
will be forgiven."



                                                                Khwaja Sahib in Madinah-e-Munawwara

Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz Sahib in Madinah-e-Munawwara

Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) left Makkah Muazzama and reached Madinah Munawwara and in great humbleness visited Rauza-e-Aqdas. He offered prayers daily in Masjid-e-Nabawi and spent most of the time in Durood-o-Salaam near Rauza-e-Aqdas.
One day when all the persons after the Fajr prayers in Masjid-e-Nabwi offered Salat-o-Salaam and leaving the place they heard a voice.
"Call Moinuddin."
Shaikhur Rauza (Caretaker of the Rauza) announced from Mehrab-e-Masjid (the arch of the mosque) "who is Moinuddin?" All those bearing the name of Moinuddin responded to Shaikhur Rauza. The Shaikh was now confused. How to recognize the particular Moinuddin, who has been desired by the holy Prophet. So he enquired about him and Huzoor (S.A.W.) said:
"Call Moinuddin Chishty."
Hence Khwaja Moinuddin responded to Shaikhur Rauza who took him to the Rauza-e-Aqdas,            
"O Prophet! Here is Moinuddin Chishti."
The door of Rauza-e-Aqdas opened and Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) was called:   

"Qutubul Mashaikh"

come inside."

Huzoor Khwaja Gharib Nawaz went into the Rauza-e-Aqdas in a state of passion and obtained revelations. Then he was ordered:

"O Moinuddin! Thou is the person who will strengthen our religion.                   
We grant you region of Hind . Go to India, stay in Ajmer and start preaching         
of Islam. Allah will bless you."

Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) came out of Rauza-e-Aqdas paying great respect and honor. He was under a peculiar state of ecstasy. When quenched with passion, he remembered the order of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). He was worried as he was not aware of the location of India and there of Ajmer. In anxiety, the day passed it was isha time. He offered his isha prayers. After offering prayers he fell asleep and had a dream in which he saw the whole map of India with exact position of Ajmer. When awake, he thanked Allah by offering prayers, visited Rauza-e-Athar, offered Durood-o-Salaam and set off for India.

During his journey, Khwaja (R.A.) also visited Syria, but it is not sure that he visited on way or on return journey.
The following is the description of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.)'s journey to India in his own words:      
"Once I reached a city, near to Syria. There was a saint who was living in a cave. The flesh of his body was so dried that the skin was stuck to his bones. He was sitting on a piece of cloth while two lions were standing at the entrance. I went to see him but could not dare to enter due to the presence of the lions. Sheikh saw and said, "Don't be afraid and come in."

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti
Garib Nawaz Again in the Presence of Pir-o-Murshid


   After obtaining permission to leave from the holy Prophet, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz returned to Baghdad. His Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Khwaja Syed Usman Harooni was still in Baghdad. He came to him and told about the Prophet's order. Pir-o-Murshid's joy knew no bounds. He said, "I opt for seclusion to offer my prayers to Allah and so will not come out from the room."
Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz used to go to Pir-o-Murshid at the time of Chasht to acquire spiritual knowledge. This routine continued for about 28 days. During this period, he wrote down whatever he gained from his Pir-o-Murshid. In this way a volume of 28 chapters was compiled in these 28 days, which he named as "Anees-ul-Arwah."
     On the last day, Hazrat Shaikh granted him his Asa-e-Mubarak (sceptre), Musalla (carpet for prayers) and Khirqa-e-Uzma (robes of a Dervesh) and all those Tabarrukat (benedictions and presents) which have been inherited by him from Chishty family and said, "These are Souvenirs. Keep them carefully as I did. If you find anybody suitable, give him. One, who respects and follows the teachings of his Murshid, is a worthy disciple."   Later he saw his worthy disciple Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishty (R.A.) off and absorbed himself in contemplation.

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz Sb on the way to India

    Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) reached Sabzwar. The ruler of Sabzwar Shaikh Mohammed Yadgar was very cruel, tyrant and of bad character.
Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) reached Ghazni, and met there Sultan-ul-Mashaikh Syed Abdul Wahid (R.A.). Hazrat Qutubul-Aqtab Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtyar Kaki (R.A.), Shaikhul-Mashaikh Hazrat Mohammed Yadgar (R.A.) and Syedus-Sadaat Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi accompanied Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) in his journey.

      The caravan of saints of Allah was now on the border of India. Sky high mountains were in  the way but the perfect determination of Khwaja Sahib could not be deferred with the name of Almighty, he stepped into mountains and after passing through the hills, valleys and hindrances he arrived at the border area of Punjab, Shadman & Multan, Lahore the Capital of Punjab & the high rise spires of temples there were telling the tales of splendor of the city. They stayed at the Mazaar of Hazrat Abu Ali Hijweri, Data Ganj Bakhsh (R.A) just out side the wall of the city.


"Ganj Bakhsh Faize-Alam Mazhar-e-Noor-e-Kuda
Naquisan Ra Pir-e-Kamil, Kamilan Ra Rahnuma

   After leaving Lahore, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) reached Samana (Patiala) and stayed there. Though apparently people there were sympathetic but in reality they were enemy to him and wanted to harm him. Infect, the mother of Prithviraj, King of Delhi and Ajmer was an astrologer and after having knowledge through her astrology, she informed her son about signs of a person who will be the cause of his destruction. In view of this prediction, the king asked the artists to sketch the person who resembled Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) and sent these sketches to all the border areas. He also ordered his men to kill the person resembling with sketch as and where found. Thus when Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) reached Samana, king's men seeing the resemblance, tried to stop him. But Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) comprehended their inner feelings through. Divine inspiration so he with his companions slipped from the hands of their enemies safely.

Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz Khwaja in Delhi

   After passing through Samana, Khwaja Sahib reached Delhi and stayed at a place, a few yards away and just opposite to Raja Khande Rao's palace. He then started preaching of Islam. His way of preaching was so impressive and convincing and his personality was so attractive that most of the people opted for Islam. Gradually, the number of Muslims started increasing and even in a short span of time, the conversion created an alarming situation for the people. Thus, a delegation of prominent citizens visited the ruler of the city and said that their gods were angry because of the arrival of the sinners. If they were not expelled, the entire kingdom was feared to be destroyed due to the wrath and rage of gods. So Khande Rao immediately ordered to expel the Fakirs. But in vain. As soon as the Raja's men went there to execute orders, they were so impressed with the behavior and the truthfulness of Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) that they themselves opted Islam instead of executing the orders. When Khande Rao could not be able to get executed his orders, he lured a man and asked him to kill Khwaja Sahib (R.A.). The man visited him, but Khwaja Sahib through his enlightenment knew about his bad intention. He said to the man, "What is the use of showing loyalty to me ? Why you hesitate to fulfill your intention?"
Hearing this he started trembling. The hidden dagger fell on he ground. He fell on the feet of Khwaja Sahib and converted to Islam.
When Khwaja satisfied himself with the preaching of Islam in Delhi, he left Khalifa-e-Akbar, Hazrat Khwaja Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.) there for promoting the religion and set off for Ajmer with his 40 followers. And it was his impressive preaching that before his arrival in Ajmer, hundreds of men had changed their older belief to Islam.

Nayeeb-E-Mustufa (S.W.A) in Ajmer

 Ba Andaz-e-Naboo-at Deen ki Tabligh Farmai.

Ba Alfaaz-e-Digar Pegambera-e Hindusthan Khwaja.

  On reaching Ajmer, Khwaja Sahib rested under the shadow of a tree. Immediately some camel drivers came there and asked him brutally to sit at any other place because that place was reserved for king's camels. Khwaja Sahib said that they could make the camels sit at some other place. But the camel drivers were adamant and became violent then he said very politely.

"Lo, we leave the place and your camel may remain sit here."

   Saying this, he with his followers made his stay at a hill on the bank of Anna Sagar. Next day, in spite of their best efforts the came drivers could not be able to make their camels to stand. It seemed that earth had gripped them. They were very much surprised. At last, they went to the court of king Prithviraj at Taragarh. When the king was narrated the entire incident, he was shocked. He was very proud of his bravery, but it could do nothing for him following the first Karishma of Khwaja Sahib (R.A.). So he ordered the camel-drivers to beg for a pardon from the Fakir. Accordingly they went to Khwaja Sahib and apologized with great respect and humbleness. He kindly said, "Go back and by the grace of God your camels will stand on their feet."
On their return, when they saw that camels were standing, they were annoyed as well as over-joyed.

Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti
Garib Nawaz Sb's Jalal-E-Haideri

                              Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) used to stay along with his disciples on a hill near the Ana Sagar and Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) and their companions took a bath and performed Wudu daily on the bank of Anna Sagar. Since, there were situated temples on the bank, the priests did not like it. he used to send his attendant to fetch water for drinking and ablution from the Ana Sagar. One day he sent his attendant to fetch water. At that period vast learned person, King and Brahmans live over person takes water from Ana Sagar and impure their religion. So they complained to the King Prithvi Raj that the muslim person takes water from Ana Sagar. The King said "If I stop to take the water then he (Khwaja Sb.) will be in trouble and will be defeated so, the King deployed his soldiers over there. As per daily routine the attendant comes to take water. When Sarkar Gharib Nawaz heard this news he became angry (Jalal-E-Haideri) Khwaja Sb said" EE KARBALA NASTH" (This is not Karlala). Because for his ancestor Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) and Shahid-E-Karbala, Yazid stopped the water. This was just of keep the promise of his (Hazrat Imam Hussain A.S.) grand father (Maternal) and Marzi-E-Moula, otherwise if Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) kicked on the ground it flower the water abundantly.

Any way, Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) sent his attendant with a "Kosha"( a kind of small verssel) to the particular place where the soldiers were deployed and said to his attendant, "take this and give order to the water, "Khwaja Sb. calls on you" when the attendant said the same word, the entire water of Ana Sagar came into that Kuza (earthen pot) and not only that, all the rivers and ponds in Asia became dried and the women who used to feed milk to their children, their milk was also stopped to come. There were massive disturbance occurred every where. When the Hindu communities came to know this matter, they understood that this was done by that "muslim guru" (Khwaja Sb.)When the peoples became perplexed and each and every villagers gathered and peoples from for distance came to Ajmer and a large crowd were present at the Darbar-E-Khwaja. Among then soldiers priests, Brahmans and upper class and lower class peoples were present. They were begging his pardon saying "pardon us" you are grand child of Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (S.A.W.) and you came as "Rahmat dil Hind" for hind. They all fell down on his feet and accepted Islam. Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) for given them and gave order to Khwaja Fakhurddin Gurdezi (R.A.) to let the water free from the "Kuza" and power into the Ana Sagar. He did the same and all the dried ponds and rivers filled with water again. When this news spread out every where that it was a miracle and done by a muslim guru, the people from for distance came to khwaja Sb. (R.A.) and being converted into muslim accepting Iman. By this way Islam spread out every where.

This is the "Jala-E-Haideri" of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) which I am explaining  here to you, only due to "Jala-E-Haidri" he stopped the water, After this incident he never got to be angry like this further. Now his he Darbar Showers grace and blessing on every body.


 "PANDIT JI DEVOTEE OF Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz

Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) used to send message of humanity daily as usual sitting among his believers and used to give advice. Among those believers some body also used to come who accepted "Imam" not yet but there was no example and comparison of the politeness and to show regarded of Gharib Nawaz (R.A.). He produced a tremendous spiritual and social revolution in India. In such terrible atmosphere of touchable and untouchable the point of view of unity and oneness of Islam was being present in practice. For which discrimination of cast and creed along with Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) were present to hear the message of humanity but except them somebody was also present who accepted "Islam" and some body also used to sit who did not accept "Islam" yet among them "Hindu Pandit's" were also present. One day among those "Hinu Pandit", one pandit did not come. So Sarkar Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) asked his disciple (attendant) Khwaja Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.) about his absence and came to know that the young son of that Pandit died. Them Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) gave order to fetch the Pandit to him. As per his order to fetch the Pandit to him. As per his order attendant conveyed the message of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) to that Pandit and told him that "Khwaja Baba Called on you" The pandit said, I am in such trouble and critical moment. What I am to do? But he could not avoid his order Because, the Pandit was so impressed by the politeness and mummers of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.), So according to his order leaving his son's dead body and told his neighbors, villagers, "you take preparation, I'm just coming" The people got ready to bathe the dead body and his funeral.


The Pandit reached at the Darbar of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) and shook his hand and explained all the situation. Every body sitting over there watched this seen. Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) asked the pandit "you did not inform me about your son's such condition" Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) told the Pandit "Call on your son by his name".


Pandit replied humbly " He has gone to that place from where nobody can return back" God bestowed me only one some. So I an now helpless". Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) told him, " I 'm telling you, call on him and tell "oh my son, Khwjaja Sb. (R.A.) is calling you". His son whom the villagers were going to bathe him lying on the cot, opened his eyes and raised and walked on from his village and attend at the Darbar of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) Seeing this Pandit became overwhelmed. Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) was smiling and said to the Pandit. "Your only one son is quite will". When the boy came towards Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) both father and son fell down on the feet of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) and both of them accepted Islam and converted themselves in Muslim religion.

This boy when being alive comes running from the village, his relatives, neighbors, men and women of the village, young and old people everybody who came to join in his funeral also come behind the boy and after watching  this miracle all the people of every village fell on the feet of Kwaja Sb. (R.A.) and converted themselves in Muslim religion.


Sarkar Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) had spread Islam neither by sword, nor by gun or spears or cannon or by fighting but converted the people in Muslim religion by his politeness and impressive personality and conveyed the message of the descendants of Parwar Diagar-E-Alam and Rasool-E-Paak (S.A.W.)

 Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz Conversion of Shadi Deo to Islam

Shadi Deo was the Supremo of all the temples in Ajmer. He lived in Jadu Shadi Mandir and was a great learned man of Hinduism. He had a great influence on all the Hindus. When he saw poor attendance in the temples, he got furious but was very much worried also. On the other hand,, the priests of temples also made him opposed to Khwaja Sahib (R.A.). Thus Shadi Deo along with colleagues and followers came to face Khwaja Sahib. Their intentions were bad and they wanted to harm him. But Khwaja Sahib's one look changed their hearts and Shadi Deo fell on his feet and repented. He accepted Islam. He was named as Saad. Most of his fellow-beings also repented and accepted Islam. The entire episode gave a jolt to the city and it made Prithviraj worried much.

Ajay Pal Jogi accepts Islam

     With the growth of Islam in Ajmer, Prithviraj was very anxious. So he contacted his family Guru, Ajay Pal Jogi, who was the greatest magician of Indian and lived in a jungle (Jaypal Nagar) near Ajmer. Raja narrated him the entire happenings. He considered Khwaja Sb's miracles as ordinary magic tricks. He assured the king that he would expel Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) He sat on his Mirg Chhala (deer skin) and left for the Anna Sagar along with his disciples. The devils army was riding on flying lions, and holding pythons in their hands like lashes. They gathered on the bank of Anna Sagar. The neo-Muslims companions were afraid of seeing devils-army. But Khwaja Sahib draw a circle with his finger around them and asked them not to go out of it.
Ajay Pal and his disciples threw magic-pythons which rushed to the Khwaja Sahib but burnt and changed into ashes reaching the circle. When failed in their intentions, the magicians showered fire on them. It not only proved ineffective to the target but bounced back to the magicians and burnt them. When all the enchantment were a failure. Ajay Pal decided to attack them from the sky. So he flew towards the sky.

When Khwaja Sahib saw him, he gives order (Huhum) to his (Khadaw, Nalain) slippers to take him down. The slippers also took a fly into the sky and started beating the Jogi. After sometime the people saw that the slippers were riding on his head and he was forced to fly down. At the end Ajay Pal Jogi was defeated. Ajay Pal Jogi came down and said "Khwaja Sb. your slipper has so much power that I applied my all tricks at my best to remove your slippers, but it was beating on my head continuously so, whereas your slippers has such power then how much power you have " Forgive me, I am defeated".  He fell down on the feet of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) and accept Islam and Known as Abdullah Biyabani.

    He admitted that the magic had no value and he wasted his entire life in exploring and gaining of magic. He was ashamed and repented. Khwaja Sahib was kind enough, so he forgave him. Jogi accepted Islam and became a disciple. Hazrat proposed his new name as Abdullah. His service is to feed the hungers, to give the water to thirsty person and to show the way to the person who forget his way. He became immortal.  His other disciples and people who were present there, also joined him.
     Later, Ajay Pal requested Khwaja Gharib Nawaz to enlighten him about his Madarij-e-Aala. Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) smiled and asked Ajay Pal to close the eyes. As he closed his eyes, he saw, Aalam-e-Barzakh, Bam-e-Aflaak and even Arsh-e-Aazam. When he had seen all these, Khwaja Sahib asked him to open the eyes. Ajay Pal opened his eyes and fell on the feet of Khwaja Sahib (R.A.). Then Khwaja Sahib was kind enough to help him in achieving the status of Aulia-e-Kamileen. Then he made another request of having eternal life Khwaja Sahib prayed to God to grant Ajay Pal (Abdullah) eternal life. The prayer was granted. Now it is said that Abdullah is alive (Amar) and guides the people who forget their way.

People in Ajmer and adjoining areas call him. His service is to feed the hungers, to give the water to thirsty person and to show the way to the person who forget his way. He became immortal.

Abdullah Bayabani Bhoke ko khana, Piyase ko pani, Bhole ko rah dikhane.

Dar ke Darban ko Rizwan bana daite hai.


Aasion ko Abuzar, katroon ko Salman bana daite hai,

Ja-kar Hakim se kaho sikhle Sakhwat ke hunar in-se,

Bheek daite hai to Sultan bana daite hai            


 Shahabuddin at the feet of Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz

 Offer of Islam to Prithviraj

After accepting Islam by Shadi Deo and Ajay Pal jogi, Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) sent a message to Rai Pithora (Prithviraj).
"Accept Islam as it is in your interest. Not only you will retain your kingdom but the Almighty will be pleased with you. Otherwise, you will have to face a lot of miseries not only in this world but after the death too. And at that time, you would have no way out."
But Rai Pithora was very adamant and was not convinced. On the contrary, he became outrageous. To test Gharib Nawaz, he sent a man to become the follower.

When he reached him, Khwaja Sahib refused to accept him as his disciple. When asked, he gave three reasons for the refusal.
"First, hatred and malice are deep rested in your heart. Second, you follow polytheism and bow your head to everything except Allah, and Third (lastly), as I have seen in Lauh-e-Mahfooz, you will die in polytheism." The man was very surprised when heard Khwaja Sahib.
The tension between Khwaja Sahib and Prithviraj was on the rise. When he failed in all his tricks, he started atrocities on Muslims. Under the action, one of his courtier, who accepted Islam and became the disciple (Mureed) of Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) was severely tortured. So, the Mureed requested Khwaja Sahib to influence the king so that he could be saved. Since Khwaja had a great love and affections for his disciples so he asked the king to refrain himself from committing brutalities. But the king did not heed to the advice and issued an order to Khwaja Sahib saying that being the master and the king of the land, it was his order to leave Ajmer with all the disciples otherwise all will be expelled forcibly.

When Khwaja Sahib know about the order he became angry and he said, "We hand over Rai Pithora to the army of Muslims after arresting him." The people were surprised but had great faith in him,. so they started waiting for the outcome.

Prediction of victory to Shahabuddin Ghauri

On the same day of the prediction, king Shahabuddin Ghauri, who was in Khurasan, dreamt an old saint, saying:

"O Shahabuddin! Almighty has granted you kingdom of India. Get up and proceed towards India. Arrest the king and punish him."

After it, the Saint disappeared. When the king awoke he was under a peculiar state of mind. The vice was still echoing in his ears, saying, 'proceed towards India. Success will be yours.' The king informed learned men. They congratulated the king and predicted his victory.

King Shahabuddin Mohammed Ghauri was badly defeated by king Prithvi Raj one year back in the field of  Tara-en (Tradri), and with great difficulties, he could save himself and reached Ghazni.

The dream created great enthusiasm in his heart.

Gharib Nawaz's words were to be proved true, and they were.

Ghauri on Expedition to India

King Shahabuddin Mohammed Ghauri was badly defeated by king Prithvi Raj one year back in the field of Tara-en (Tradri), and with great difficulties, he could save himself and reached Ghazni. Since he wanted to defeat Prithvi Rah, he was preparing for a war secretly. But he was not expected to go for a battle against India even after such a short span of time.
The dream created great enthusiasm in his heart and after prediction by the learned scholars he inspected the preparations and ordered his army to proceed on the expedition. On the eight day, he himself proceeded on the crusade. The army officers were very much surprised over the rush for the expedition. But nobody dared to enquire about it.
When the army camped in Peshawar, an old man of royal family asked, "O king, though the preparations are on large scale, but the intention is still a secret ?"
The king took a deep breath and said, "You don't know, what happened to me. Can not you recall last year's defeat which is a blot on the face of Islam. Be sure that neither I have changed my clothes nor I have taken rest on the bed."
Hearing the king, the old man encouraged Shahabuddin Ghauri, prayed for his victory and said, "If your lordship has the intention then act according to the need of the hour. Kindly call the Emirs and Chiefs to your court, grant them pardon and honor them, so that they could fight for you and may sacrifice their lives for you and wash the earlier defeat. The king liked the idea. So after reaching Multan, he called the court and granted a general pardon to all the Emirs and Chiefs. Then he addressed them :
"O Muslims, everyone is fully aware of the blot on the face of Islam due to last year's defeat. So it is the duty of every Muslim to wash it with his sword." Every Chief sworn to fight till the last breath for the cause after putting their hands on the swords.

Sultan's Message to Rai Pithora

From Multan, the king Ghauri reached Lahore and sent Qaum-ul-Mulk Ruknuddin who was a prominent statesman and orater, to king  Prithvi Raj as his emissary. In his message, the king said:
"By order of my elder brother who is the king of Muslims in the region spread from Punjab to Khurasan, I have come to invade India. So Rai Pithora who is the emperor of the kings in India is asked to accept Islam, thus saving the country from bloodshed otherwise get ready for war."
But Prithvi Raj did not take the message seriously and a bitter reply was sent as he was very much confident of his power, bravery and Rajput fighters and ultimately he was sure of his victory. He immediately started the war preparations and also sent a word to all the subordinate kings. In a very short time, an army of about three lacks Rajputs gathered around him.
Both the armies marched towards each other and camped on the banks of Saraswati river. In the meantime, king Shahabuddin received the reply from Rai Pithora which read :
"The Chief of Islam through his spies would have known that a huge army is around me to protect our religion and still more armies are expected to pour in from every corner of India. And each and every Rajput of the army has un exemplary courage and war skill and nobody even in Kabul and Qandhar can face them. It would be better if you have sympathy for Turk and Afghan youths, then take a U-turn and go back, as it will be better for you. Otherwise you know we possess a lot of weapons and other relative materials in large quantity as well as more than three thousands war elephants are also with us. It is better to follow my advice otherwise you won't be able to take back even a single soldier alive." This made Ghauri very disappointed. He was fully aware of large quantity of enemy's army. So he adopted a war strategy and replied:" Thanks for your valuable and kind advice but you know that I have come for invasion by the order of my elder brother, so I have to wait for his further orders. Kindly give me some time for the next move." When Rai Pithora received the weak reply, he became very happy and they started celebrations.


A decisive war

Shahabuddin took the advantage of the opportunity and he ordered for war in the evening, left the army camp as it was and after taking a long round of many miles crossed the river in the darkness of the night, and caught the enemy unaware. the emperor did not loose his senses and faced the attack with a part of his army. Later the rest of his army also joined him.
Rai Pithora's army was comprised of three thousand elephants, three lacks cavalry and a large number of swordsmen, while king Shahabuddin had an army of one lack twenty thousand soldiers. Since Rai Pithora was very sure about his victory, so he did not bother for an organized fight and ordered the entire army to

charge against the enemy. On the contrary, king Shahabuddin, adopting war tactics, divided his army into four parts under the command of four able generals and sent them to fight one after another. Rajput fought with hreat courage and bravery that disappointed the Sultan's army. But he adopted another tactic. He lagged behind in an organized manner showing that he is defeated. Rajputs followed then in a disorganized manner. When the king saw the Rajputs disorganized, he attacked with his gresh army.
It was a fierce fight and time was noon. Raja Prithvi Raj came out of the army and stayed under the shadow of a tree with his participating 150 kings. A final attack was decided. Everyone took an oath and came into Warfield. Raja's army was tired as it was fighting since morning. The Sultan sensed the opportunity. He launched a very strong attack with his fresh 12,000 swordsmen who all of a sudden reached in the heart of enemy's army. When the other Chiefs of king's army saw the scene, they also pressed the enemy from left and right. In a moment, thousands of Rajputs were killed. The enemy's army overturned. Meanwhile the elephants, back bone of Raja's army took a U-turn and crushed their own men. Rajputs tried their best of face the position but in vain. Gharib Nawaz's words were to be proved true, and they were.
It was to be dusk when the Sultan's army dominated the enemies. A number of Raja's including Khande Rao were killed while some other's escaped. Rai Pithora also wanted to escape but was captured and slashed on the banks of Saraswati river.
In the end, Shahabuddin Ghauri was victorious and the hold of Muslims on northern India became stronger. Later the Rajput's kingdoms like Saraswati, Samana, Kohram and Hansi were captured without any difficulty. Then Sultan proceeded to Ajmer. Nobody challenged him but the son's of defeated and slain Rajas welcomed him and accepted him as their Lord. After reaching Ajmer, he handed over the reigns of the kingdom to Prithvi Raj's son, Kola who took the oath of loyalty.

Shahabuddin at the feet of Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz

The evening was falling when Shahabuddin entered Ajmer. He heard Azan which made him surprised. On enquiring, people told him that some faqir's who had arrived a short time ago, they call like this five times daily. The king took the direction. The Jamaat for prayers was ready. He joined it. Gharib Nawaz was leading the Namaz. As and when the prayers were over, and the king saw Khwaja Sahib (R.A.), he was very much surprised, since he recognized the man who predicted his victory in the dream. He wanted to fall flat on the feet of Gharib Nawaz but the Khwaja embraced the king instead. The king sobbed and wept for quite a long time. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) blessed him and asked him to sit. When he regained, he made a request for Bayt. Gharib Nawaz accepted the request and made him a disciple.
After staying in Ajmer for few days, Sultan Shahabuddin Muhammed Ghauri marched towards Delhi and captured it. He appointed his faithful slave Qutubuddin Ebak, Viceroy of India and went back to Ghazni. Qutubuddin captured rest of India in a very short span of time and soon the Muslims got hold of the entire North India. 
A Raja Hari Raj removed the son of Prithvi Raj from Ajmer. He prayed to Qutubuddin who defeated the Raja Hari Raj, killed him and made Kola,Raja of Ajmer again. But this time Syed Hussain Sahib (R.A.) a very religious person accompanied Kola. Syed Sahib (R.A.) was very God-fearing and had a great faith in Gharib Nawaz. Now he spent most of his time in the company of Khwaja Sahib. He played a prominent role in preaching of Islam.


Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz Marriages and Children


   At the age of about 50 years, when he had almost settled in Ajmer and the preaching services were on the top, he dreamt Prophet Mohammed (SAW) who said, "O Moinuddin! You have been very active in obeying Allah's orders but why didn't you follow my Sunnah." Thus, Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) made two marriages, one after another.

In those days a saint Syed Wajihuddin Mash-hadi (R.A.) was staying in Ajmer. One night he saw Imam Jafer Sadiq (Alehis Salaam) in dream, who quoted Prophet Mohammed (SAW) as saying to give his daughter in marriage to Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty as he is one of the loving persons of Allah and his Prophet (SAW).

When he woke up, he was very happy. He went to Khwaja Sahib and told about his dream. Khwaja Sahib said, "Though he is on the verge of his life and has no need to marry but obedience of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is also necessary, so I accept the offer whole heartedly and ready for the marriage. This made Syed Wajehuddin Mashadi Sahib (R.A.) very happy and he married his daughter Bibi Syeda Asmatullah with him.

Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) also had a second marriage. Some historians write that his second wife Bibi Ummatullah was the daughter of a Raja, who accepted Islam willingly.   


(2) Two wives of Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz


Bibi Syeda Asmatullah


Bibi Ummatullah


                                       Three sons and one daughter were born to the two wives whose names are :



 (1) Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Chishty Abul khair (R.A.), Son

 (2) Hazrat Khwaja Syed  Hissamuddin Abu Swalah (R.A.), Son

 (3) Hazrat Khwaja Syed  Ziauddin Abu Sayeed (R.A.), Son

 (4) Bibi Syada Hafiz Jamal Rahmatullah Aleiha. Daughter



Elder Son of Khwaja Garib Nawaz

Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Chishti (Abul Khair )(R.A.)



Sarwar Sharif


    He is the eldest son of Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) who earned his livelihood by farming in Mandal town. He was a great saint and a scholar as well. After twenty years of Khwaja Sahib's (R.A.) death, his Darbar is in Sarwar town, some 40 miles away from Ajmer. His Mazar is located near a pond in the town. His Urs is celebrated on the 3rd of Shaban every year with great fervor. He was blessed with five sons. One of his son, Hazrat Khwaja Hussamuddin was a perfect Sufi. His grave is at Sambhar Sharif. Every year on 13 and 14 Rajab Urs is organised.Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) loved his eldest son very much. When the officer disturbed him for the land in his possession, Khwaja Sahib himself went to Delhi and obtained document from Sultan Shamsuddin Altamash in favour of his son and came back to Ajmer.





Second Son of Khwaja Garib Nawaz

Hazrat Khwaja Syed Hissamuddin
Chishti (Abu Sawaleh) (R.A.)

He is the second son and he is a great saint as well possessing the quality of revelation. He made very tough exercises for self purification. At the age of 45, he disappeared from the human eyes and joined invisible religious fraternity.



Younger Son of Khwaja Garib Nawaz

Hazrat Khwaja Syed Ziauddin Chishti (Abu Sayeed) (R.A.)


He is the youngest son of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz and was a great religious person. He died at the age of 50. his Mazar is on a plateform near Jhalara Ghat in Ajmer Sharif. His Urs-e-Mubarak is celebrated on 13th Zil-Hijja every year.


Daughter of Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz



Hazrat Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal Chishti (R.A.)


    She is the only daughter of Khwaja Sahib. She was a great religious personality. Khwaja Sahib granted her Khilafat. She guided thousands of women to the righteous path. She was married to Hazrat Shaikh Raziuddin (R.A.). He was the son of Qazi Hamiduddin Nagori (R.A.) Her Mazar-e-Mubarak is located just below the mazar of Khwaja Sahib.



Baba Farid Sb


Haq Farid, Baba Farid


   When Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) reached Delhi, Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.) wanted to inform king Shamsuddin Altamash about his arrival but Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) forbid him.

But how the news of his arrival could be hidden. It spread all over Delhi and all Ulema, Sufia and King Shamsuddin Altamash himself came to see him. In those days, Baba Fariduddin Ganj Shakar (R.A.) was busy in devotion and self purification in a way that not a single drop of blood remained in his body. So he could not come to see Khwaja Sahib (R.A.). He was too weak to visit Khwaja Sahib. So Khwaja Sahib enquired from Hazrat Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.), "Is there anyone else among your disciples who could not come to see me?" Qutub Sahib said, "One of my disciples Baba Fariduddin Ganj Shakar (R.A.) could not come to see you since he is busy in devotion."

Thus, Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) said, "Let us go to see him."

Baba Fariduddin Ganj Shakar was so weak that he could not stand up to pay respect. So he started weeping. Khwaja Sahib said, "O Baba Bakhtiyar! How long you will keep him pressed into self purification and devotion? Give him something, "Qutub Sahib (R.A.) answered, "What can i offer, when you are here?"

Khwaja Sahib got up, hold Baba Farid (R.A.) with his arm and asked Khwaja Qutubuddin (R.A.) to hold him with his other arm. Both the saints blessed him a lot Baba Farid (R.A.) was lucky enough to have this opportunity.







Oh ye Moinuddin, truly Lord Protector who graces fortunes.

You have lit the Chishti Lamp (of spirituality) the world over,

Oh ye Moinuddin, truly Lord Protector who graces fortunes,

The cunning (Jogi Ajaipal) tried many a magician's trick;

52 practices in all, but failed and was himself ultimately vanquished!

As at the orders of Pir (Khwaja) flew (his wooden sandals) in the air;

(and forced Jogi's ) throne to land of earth head bowed with shame.

Oh ye, Moinuddin truly Lord Protector who graces fortunes.

You, the strong pillar for both here and the hereafter (duniya-o-din).

The saint (wali) of India, the light (noor) and beloved of Allah (huda), door to him (Hardawara).

When Ajmer was besieged by the Raja (who also harassed you)

You spread Islam and ended polytheism;

Oh ye, Moinuddin truly Lord Protector who graces fortunes.

Polytheism was ended and Islam spread;

Such a Master of masters (Jagat Guru) whose shrine (darbar) his unique splendor and fame.

Reaches the four corners-North, South, East as well as the West.

Whose Pir's prayer (voice) was accepted (heard) at Makkah.

Moinuddin Khwaja, the pillar of din (righteousness).

Cast but a glance and bestow gnosis at me! Oh! Pillar of din, Moinuddin Khwaja!

Khwaja Hassan Dan i.e. Khwaja Moinuddin became bridegroom. (chatar-dulah).

Performing only a single miracel (defeated Ajaipal) and established himself (great);

Oh! Khwaja the pillar of din, Moinuddin Khwaja;

The Great Emperor (Sultan) Oh! Hazrat-i Chishti.

A throne and dominion befit only you;

Mercy on Roora Mithu. Relieve him of all pain of life and heart!

Oh Moinuddin Khwaja, the pillar of din.








    Our silting place (Gaddi) is just in front of Darbar Shah Syed H. Zakaria Gurdezi, Gaddinashin use to sit over here after the closing of Aastana-E-Aaliya from here the dome and the Aastana-E-Aaliya is observed clearly and the Qawwali is also being heard.



   Pilgrims are requested to keep discipline over here. Because it is the Darbar of an emperor who is "Aal-E-Nabi" (S.A.W.), Aulad-E-Ali (A.S.). No body returns with empty had from here Faith and devotion is almost the main thing.






    We the Khadim only have the right to keep the keys of the Darbar with us. We open and close the Darbar only and the Keys of all the doors of Dargah Sharif are kept in our custody. We are the custodians of the Darbar. These keys are being kept turn by turn among our "Khadim Dynasty".



 The Method of Entrance to Ajmer Dargah :-


1.    To be neat and cleans having bath and ablution and to wear clean dress and to use "Attar" and enter in the Dargah with discipline and manners.


2.    To contact with your Duago/Moallim/Darbari Vakeel. Because he will performs your "Hazri" 

(presence) and "Ziarat" at Darbar and will pray keeping the "Gilaaf" on your head to offer towards the Darbar of Khwaja Sb. (R.A.) and also perform Ziarat of the special things of inside.


3.   Some peoples used to take their shoes, slippers, sandals inside Dargha Sharif it is not good manners,


         It is Be-Aadabe. Take out your shoes out side from the Dargha on Shoes's Shop or in your Hotel's room.   


When Moosa Alaihissalam went to 'Kohetoor' (name of the hill) he heard a voice,



It means "It is no doubt that I am your Lord (Rabb) so you put off your shoes." (For respect and adoration).


 Khwaja Sahib disappears from the World (R.A.)

   With the beginning of 633 Hijri, Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) knew as it was revealed to him (R.A.) that it is the last year of his life. So he issued necessary instructions and prepared the wills for his disciples, awarded Khilafat to the eligible and also invited Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.) to Ajmer.
One day, Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) was sitting in the Jama Masjid of Ajmer. His close disciples and friends were also present. He was talking about Angel of Death. Suddenly he turned towards Shaikh Ali Sanjar (R.A.) and asked to write the order of the Khilafat for Khwaja Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.). Qutub Sahib was also present there. Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) put his cap on Qutub Sahib's head, made him wear his turban, gave his scepter in his hand as well, Musalla, the Holy Quran and the slippers also awarded to him and said,
  "These Tabaruqat have reached me from my ancestors. Now the last moment of my life has arrived, I handed them over to you. These are like a trust, so never be irresponsible towards them, otherwise I will be ashamed before my ancestors on the Day of Judgment."

Later he gave him some more advices and bade him farewell.
A few days before his death he advised his eldest son:
"All the worldly things are mortal. Always pray to Allah for his pleasure and never be dependent on any worldly thing. Never loose patience in times of trouble and miseries.

On the mid-night of 5th and 6th Rajab, 633 Hijra, after the Isha prayers he entered his cell, closed the door from inside and started his religious activities. Throughout the night, his recitations were heard but the voice was stopped at the dawn. When the door was not opened even after the sunrise, the khuddam knocked at the door but in vain. Then as a last resort, they broke the door open. When entered, they saw that Khwaja Sahib has left for his heavenly adobe. The following words were shining on his forehead.



It means :- "He was a friend of Allah and left the world for his love for Allah."


The news of his death spread immediately throughout the city. People in thousands thronged to the place. His eldest son Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin (R.A.) lead the Namaz-e-Janaza. He was buried in the cell where he took his last breath. Since then, his holy Astana (cell) has been the attraction of entire India and Insha Allah will remain till the Doomsday. His Urs Mubarak is celebrated with great favor from 1 to 6th Rajab every year.

He was very kind hearted and possessed a pleasant personality. He never got angry. Always there was a smile on his face. His life was very simple but attractive. He always met with the people with a smile, welcomed the visitors and shared their grief's and sorrows.
Generosity was his hereditary quality. Even in his childhood, he sold his garden and the mill and distributed the money among the poor and needy. Later whatever he got as gifts, he distributed them among the poor for the sake of the Almighty. He was very polite and humble in nature. Khwaja Sahib always preferred to offer Salaam first and kept in mind the Islamic tenets as well as the teachings of Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.).

Adoration and Devotion

Khwaja Sahib spent most of his time in adoration and devotion. He had a great liking towards recitation of Holy Quran and completed the recitation of the Holy Book twice a day. He was very punctual in offering prayers and keeping fasts. He also spent the major part of nights in offering of Nafil prayers. Mostly he offered Isha prayers in one stretch of Wadu, performed in the morning for Fajr prayers. Throughout his life it hardly happened when he did not keep fast. He mostly kept fast for one week and broke the fast by eating barley's dry bread weighing not more than five Misqal. But he had very penetrating eye sight that made the sinner repented and to make free from sins.

Isteghraq (Absorption)

Most of the time, Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) remained under the state of Isteghraq. The state was well grown during the last days of his life. At the time of prayers, Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.) or Khwaja Hamiduddin Nagori (R.A.) called him for the prayers but he did not regain his senses. Then either of them called him in his ear. Even then he did not respond. Then his shoulder was given a gentle jerk. At that time, he opened his eyes and said, "There is no escape from prayers. I have to come back from distant places." Then he performed Wudu and offered prayers.
Whenever he came under state of Sift-e-Jalali (illustrious wrathful condition), he used to close himself inside the cell to sit under Isteghraq. At this stage, Khwaja Qutubuddin (R.A.) or Khwaja Nagori (R.A.) put stones at the door and went to the backside of the cell. Later when Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) came out from the cell, he glanced through the stones and stones burnt into ashes.

Sama (Ecstacy caused by Music)

Sama is his spiritual diet and he enjoyed it. He also had great likings for two Ragas. At the time of Sama, he usually fell under the state of Istehraq. The Majlis-e-Sama used to continue for many days.

Welfare of the people

One day, a farmer came to him and said, "The ruler had seized my field and says that the fields could not he restored till the royal orders are not presented. This is the only means of my livelihood kindly help
me. Write a recommendation letter to Qutub Sahib who is the Pir of Sultan Altamash. What so ever Qutub Sahib will say, the king will do accordingly."
Hearing the farmer, Khwaja Sahib absorbed himself in Contemplation, raised his head after some time and said, "Though my recommendation will do, but the Almighty had appointed me for this job." He then immediately set off for Delhi with the farmer.
Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) always informed Qutub Sahib (R.A.) about his arrival in Delhi but this time, he did not inform him. When he reached near Delhi, a man recognized him and immediately informed Qutub Sahib (R.A.). In turn, he informed the king and stepped out to welcome him.
Khwaja Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.) was very much puzzled, why Khwaja Sahib did not inform him this time. When he asked the reason, Khwaja Sahib pointed towards the farmer, and said, "I have come here for this poor fellow." Then he narrated the whole story. Qutub Sahib said, "Why did you take so much trouble. Even you slave was enough for the purpose."
Khwaja Sahib said, "When the farmer came to me, he was very sad and full of sorrow. I absorbed myself in contemplation and prayed to Almighty. I was ordered to share his grief as it would be like offering prayers. If i did not come and had sent a recommendation letter. I would have been deprived of the virtue in return of sharing his grief. Qutub Sahib requested him to take rest and got the order is sued by the king and presented to Khwaja Sahib (R.A.).

  First Letter 



To, Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.)

In the name of Allah, who is most beneficent, most glorious.
My dear and near friend and brother, Khwaja Qutubuddin Dehlavi! May God bless you. After paying respect, this humble creature of God states some points of Israr-e-Ilahi (secrets and mysteries of Allah). Kindly brief these points to your true disciples and seekers of truth so that they could not he mislead.
Dear! One who has recognized the Almighty, he never has a desire. One who has not recognized him, he can not follow him. Secondly give up all the desires and greediness. One who does it, he can achieve all his goals.
One, who always indulges in lust, worldly desires, and cravings and never has fear of God, he always faces insult and shame while one who gives up all his desires and cravings for the sake of Allah, he becomes near and dear to the Almighty.
Says Sultan-ul-Arifin, Hazrat Khwaja Bayazeed Bastami. Once I dreamt the Almighty. He asked me, "O Bayazeed! What do you want?" I said, "I want to same whatever you want?" Thus the Almighty was happy and said, "I am always with you as you are with Me."
Thus, if you want to reveal the reality of Tasawwaf, give up all worldly desires, and prevail love and affection. If you do it accordingly you will gain knowledge of Tasawwuf. The seeker of truth should follow it whole heartedly and with the grace of God, he will be saved from Shaitan, and the desires of the two worlds will be fulfilled. Once, my Shaikh Sahib (R.A.) said, "O Moinuddin! Do you know who is Sahib-e-Huzoor. He is the Huzoor, who always consider himself humble and links each and every incident with God. It is resultant of all sorts of prayers. One who achieves the way of thinking, rules the world and even the ruler of the worldly region seeks his help.

One day, my Shaikh Sahib (R.A.) said to me, "Some Durvesh who say- when a seeker achieves the height, he never worries, they are wrong. Secondly to offer prayers is not necessary for him is also incorrect, because Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W.) had always engaged himself in prayers and considered himself as an humble creature. Though he was at the height of humbleness, the Prophet used to say :

Though we offer prayers, but could not reach to its true sense. It means: we are unable to worship the Almighty in its true sense. And he always recited:


(I witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammed (S.A.W.) is His Messenger).
Thus believe it, when Aarif touched the heights of humbleness, he whole heartedly engages himself in Namaz which is a perfect way of worship. It brings a person closer and nearer to God. It is the only means to reach the God when a person, knows the fact and offers prayers sincerely and whole heartedly, he is so thirsty as he has swallowed fire. And he continues to do it, thirst continues to dominate. Since there is no limit of worship he remains always disturbed till he achieves the goal to reach the Almighty.

  Second Letter

To Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.)

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and most merciful. True seeker of truth, Durvesh, my hardworking brother, Khwaja Qutubuddin Dehlavi (R.A.)! Allah bless you. After paying salam, it is stated that once, Khwaja Najmuddin Sughra (R.A.) Khwaja Mohammed Tarak and myself were present in the service of Khwaja Usman Harroni (R.A.). Then a man came and asked as to how one could know that somebody had got neamess and closeness to Allah. Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) said, "The ability of good deeds is the right identity. Believe it, one who had been made capable of good deads by Allah, he will achieve his goal.
Then the tears filed in his eyes and he said, "There was a God fearing slave-girl, who at midnight performed Wudu and offered two Rakat prayers and extended her thanks to the Almighty. There after raising her bands, prayed to God, O Allah I have got your closeness and kindly do not give me separation." When her master came to know the entire episode, he asked as to how she knew that she was close to God. She replied that God had made me capable to offer two Rakaat prayers in midnight, so I came to know that I was close to Him." Then the master said, "Go, I set you free for the sake of God."
Thus, the man should be engaged in worshipping God during day and night, so that he could be counted among the nobles as well as he will be saved from the grip of Shaitan.



 Third Letter

To Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.)

In the name of Allah who is most beneficient and most merciful.
The knower of the secrets of Almighty, my brother Khwaja Qutubuddin Dehlavi (R.A.)! God bless you. This humble creature, Moinuddin Sanjari pays salaam of happiness and love and affection. It is stated that I am thankful to Almighty for physical health. May God also grant you physical and spiritual health.
O Brother! My Shaikh Khwaja Usman Harroni (R.A.) says, "Nobody except Ahl-e-Maarefat (Divine people) should be made known the secrets of love. When Shaikh Saadi (R.A.) asked as to how Ahl-e-Maarefat could be identified, Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) said, "Ahl-e-Maarefat can be identified by possessing 'Tark' (To leave or relinquish). If one has given up all his worldly desires, believe it that he is Ahl-e-Maarefat. Otherwise he does not posses the quality of Maarefat-e-Haque. Be sure that reciting of Kalima-e-Shahadat and to refrain from materialism is the way to reach the Almighty. The wealth and wordly status are the heavy idols. They mislead a large number of people and still doing. The wordly assets have become the gods of the people. And a number of people are worshipping them.
If one who gives up the desire of wealth and wordly status, it means he has negated the materialism. On the other hand, one who reaches God means he ascertains the life after death. This can be achieved by reciting 'La Elaha Illallah' and sticking to it thus one who has not recited Kalima-e-Shahadat can not recognise God.

Fourth Letter

To Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.)
In the name of Allah who is most beneficent and most merciful.
The revealer of truth, my brother Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.). It should be clear to you that among the human beings, the wisest are those Faqirs who have opted for mendicancy, Darveshi and poverty after giving up desires for wordily things, because to relinquish means to achieve and to achieve means to relinquish. Contrary to it, the believers of worldly desires have considered the divine health as trouble and trouble (physical health) as divine health. Thus one who gives up worldly desires and opts for relinquishment that Faqir is the wisest.
Therefore, one must worship the Almighty, who is eternal. If Allah gifts eyes, these should be used to see Him and nothing else. One through these eyes should reveal the reality of Almighty referring each and every thing. Thus have purity of eyes, because if you are capable, you can find a world of the facts and realities in a minute particle of dust.

Fifth Letter

To Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.)

In the name of Allah, who is most beneficent and most merciful.
God fearing my brother Khwaja Qutubuddin Dehlavi (R.A.) May God grant you His shelter.
Once, when I was in the service of Khwaja Usman Harroni (R.A.), a man came and said, "I have studied a number of sciences and prayed to God, but could not be able to acquire my goal."
Khwaja Sahib said, "You have to follow one thing, and then will be a learned man and saint. Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.) has said:


"To relinquish all the worldly things is superior of all sorts of worship while love for the world is the root cause of all evils.
If you follow this Hadith, you would have no need to acquire knowledge. Though acquiring of knowledge is easy but it follow the path is quite difficult. Therefore, believe it that you can not give up the worldly desires till you have strong love and affection towards God. And love can be had when God makes you capable of having it.You can not attain your goal till God makes you capable.


(Only one can have true path, who is made capable of it.)

`    Therefore, one should have fear of God. One should not waste his valuable time in fulfilling worldly desires but value the time and pass his life in Faqr-o-Faaqa (Poverty and Contentment), humble to every one, be ashamed for his sins, be humble and polite under all circumstances since it is the best worship.

    Later he narrated the following incident. Hatim Asam was the disciple of Khwaja (R.A.). One day Shaikh Sahib (R.A.) asked, "Since how long you have been active in my love and service?" He replied, "For the last 30 years." Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) again asked, "what have you acquired during this period?" He again said, "I have acquired eight virtues." Shaikh Sahib (R.A.) asked, "Whether earlier you don't have these?" Yes, and truely I need no more." Shaikh Sahib said, 


    "O Hatim! I have spent my entire life for you. Even I don't want you to acquire any more." he said, "It is enough for me since the salvation of both the worlds is hidden in these eight virtues." Shaikh Sahib (R.A.) said, "Oh just describe them." he described as follows:

First Virtue : "When I studied the people, I came to know that each and every person has great likings towards a number of worldly things as the beloveds. Of these beloveds, some remain with him till the
death-bed, some till the time of death and others till he is laid to rest in the grave, some till the time of death and others till he is laid to rest in the grave. None of them goes beyond it, and there is nobody who may become a companion in the grave to guide him in its darkness. Thus I thought that one should have great likings towards those that go to the grave with a human being as companions and guides him at different stages on the Day of Judgment. I was told that good deeds posses all these qualities, so I made them my beloved. The good deeds would be a companion in the grave to guide me during my journey after death."

Khwaja Sahib said, "Hatim, you have done well." Then Hatim spoke of the second virtue.


Second Virtue : "When I studied the people, I found that they are all in a race to have more and more and they are slave of their worldly desires. Then I studied the verse:



    "One who has self restrain under the fear of God, is the inmate of heaven."


    "Then I was sure that the Holy Quran is a truth. So to have self restrain, I started self purification and never fulfilled a single worldly desire. I was comfortable in obeying God." Khwaja Sahib said, "May God bless you. You have done well."


Third Virtue : "When I observed the people, I found that each and every one tires to meet his materialistic requirements but has a little from his worldly rulers and even for meagre achievement he becomes very happy: Later, I studied the verse :



    "What ever you posses is mortal and whatever God poses is immortal."

So whatever I have saved sofar I distribued among the needy for the sake of God and surrendered myself to God to obtain my eternal goal after death." Khwaja Sahib said, "Well done, May God bless you."


Fourth Virtue : "When observed the people, I found that they consider the wealth and size of the family as a symbol ofrespect and power and are proud of them. Later I studied the verse :


"God will consider one most respected who is most God fearing."


"Thus I came to know that his is the right virtue and whatever the people think is wrong. So I became God fearing to be closer to Him." Khwaja Sahib said, "Well done!"


Fifth virtue : "When I observed, I found that the people remember each other with the jealousy over wealth, status and knowledge. Then I studied the verse:



"We distributed the livelihood among them for worldly life."


    "When God has fixed their share and nobody has a control on it then the jealousy is useless." Since then I gave up jealousy and became friendly with everyone." Khwaja Sahib said, "You have done well."


Sixth virtue : I observed the world, I was surprised that people have enmity with each other and to fulfill a particular desire, they become each other's enemy. Then I studiedthe verse:



"Shaitan is your open enemy."


    "Then I realised that the Holy Quran is true and Shaitan is really our enemy. We should not follow the path of Shaitan. Since then I consider Shaitan my only enemy. Neither I follow him nor obey him, but obey God and pay respect to him only. And this is the right path. God himself says:



    "O human being-were you not pledged not to follow and worship Shaitan as he is your open enemy. If you worship Me, you will have a true path." Khwaja Sahib said, "Well done."


Seventh virtue : "When I observed the people, I found that each and everyone tries his level best for his livelihood, and so he adopts wrongful means and got himself disgraced. Then I studied the verse :




    "The Almighty is responsible to provide livelyhood to each and everyone on the earth."

"Then I realised that His saying is perfect and I am also a creature. Since then I have engaged myself in praying and worshipping God. He will surely provide my livelihood, as he has taken the quarantee." Khwaja Sahib said, "Well done, What is next?"


Eighth virtue : "When I observed I found that each and every one is dapendent on one or another thing. Some are dependent on gold and silver while some are on property and wealth. Then I studied the verse:



"God is enough for one who is dependent on Him."

    "Since then, I am dependent on Him and He is enough for me and He will save me." Khwaja Sahib said, "Hatim! May God bless you. I studied Torah, the Gospel the Psalms of David and the Holy Quran thoroughly, I extractedthese eight facts. One who follows these, it means that he is following all four holy books. Thus I came to know that practice/action is more essential than knowledge.




Sixth Letter


To Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.)


    In the name of Allah who is most beneficent and most merciful. The revealer of secrets of God, my brother Khwaja Qutubuddin Dehlavi (R.A.)! May God bless you.


    Once, my Shaikh Sahib (R.A.) well said about negation and assertion. He said, "Negation means not to consider yourself while assertion means to see God since self can not consider God. There fore, one should negate the negation, otherwise it is of no use. If you consider that the Almighty exists, then you can achieve your goal. It may be clear that the prayers, namaz, fastings etc. are the symbols of this fact and in fact to depend on the other worldly means is useless. One who does not realise these facts is a great fool."


    Then he said, "God is eternal. The seeker in his early stage is behind and when truth awards him eyes and sight, he starts seeing and hearing through it and forgets himself. When he reaches this stage, he becomes immortal."

Seventh Letter

To Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A.)

    The revealer of truth, God fearing, my brother Khwaja Qutubuddin Oshi (R.A.). May God bless you. The well wisher sends you love and affection. Dear kindly tell your disciples what Faqir-o-Murshid-e-Kamil means, and how he can be identified. The Almighty says:

"Faqir is one whom is above of all needs and who is seeker of eternal God."

Since all the existing things are a reflection of eternal God, so he sees the existence of God in all of them.

    Some saints have given the explanation that Kamil Faqir is one who has only God in his heart and nothing else and who is the seeker of the Almighty. When he finds God, he attains his objective. Therefore, the seeker should always try for truth. Now what is the objective ? It may be clear that the target is Dard-o-Soz (pains) for whether Haqiqi (real) or Majazi (metaphoric): Here Soze-Majazi employs the Eh-Kaamat-e-Shariat (Commands of revealed law).



Irshadat-e-Aalea (Sayings of the Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Garib Nawaz Sb)



    The valuable saying of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz are a treasure. May God make us capable to follow them. These are as under :-


Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Wrote in Ganj-e-Israr:



1.    To consider your brother disgraceful is more than a sin.

2.    One who gives up all of his materials in this moral world is eligible of Faqiri.

3.    Only one can realize the Almighty who is away from the world and does not consider himself Arif

       (Spiritual person).

4.    To keep silence and be gloomy is the symbol of Arif.

5.    To see the entire Universe between your two fingers is a stage of Irfan (Spirituality).

6.    Arif is one who give up all worldly desires and reveals the secrets truth every moment and who 

       never seeks    help from anyone except God.

7.    Namaz is the Meraj of Momins. Protect it.

8.   One who is stick to the five times prayers, will be protected by them on the day of judgment.

9.   According to seekers of God, to see five things is a worship, even these things are seen 



       (a)    To see parents

       (b)    To see Quran Majid

       (c)    To see Ulema-e-Rabbani

       (d)    To see Khana-e-Ka'aba

       (e)    To see Quran Majid


10.    There are four stages of love.

        (i)      Always remember God.

        (ii)    Go extreme in remembering God and be happy in doing the same.

        (iii)   Follow such paths which help you in giving-up the love for worldly desires.

        (iv)   One who wants salvation and wants protection from Chastisement on the Day of judgment, 

                should fulfil the needs of the poor and feed the hungry.


11.    Four deeds are the ornaments for the self:

        (i)      To feed the hungry.

        (ii)     To help the oppressed

        (iii)    To fulfill the needs of the needy.

        (iv)    To To be kind with enemy.


12.    To recite Surah-e-Fatiha has been proved very helpful in need.


13.    One who possesses the following three qualities is friend of Allah :-

            (i)     Generosity like a river.

            (ii)    Kindness like the sun.

            (iii)   Hospitality like the earth.

14.    Good company is better than doing goods deeds and bad company is worst than committing 


15.    Company always leaves is impression. Bad company leaves bad while good company leaves 

         good impression.

16.    Rivers and Nullahs make noise while flowing. But they become silent when join the sea. The 

        allegory employs for the stages to seek God.

17.    To help the oppressed is the best sort of worship.

18.    Arif takes step under particular circumstances - In one step, he reaches Hijab-e-Kibriyaee 

        from Hijab-e-Azmat and in the second step he comes back. Saying this, Khwaja Sahib (R.A.)     

        started weeping .

19.    Arif is one who gets whatever he needs, and gets reply to whatever he asks.

20.    One who never returns needy empty handed is Durvesh.

21.    To takes pain for the people and never to complain means dependence on God.

Khwaja ki Nigahoon ka Karam daikh raha hoon

 Aur mitte hue sab Ranj-o-Alam daikh raha hoon.


Urs Ajmer Dargah Bank details



ACCOUNT NUMBER 36518803255


MICRO CODE 305002003

SWIFT CODE -007959





Dargah Ajmer Sharif Current Account :-  ZIARAT E KHWAJA,

ICICI Bank Ajmer Branch  A/C Number 680605500006,  

Micr Code: 305229005,



Ajmer Sharif Current Account ziarat-e-khwaja.CA-39,

Bank of Maharashtra

Ajmer Branch : A/C Number 20168001049

 IFSC CODE : MAHB0001231

Micr Code: NONMICR

 ICICI Bank- A/c No.018501-510616. AJMER


 Micr Code: 305229002


ICICI Bank Ltd, 429/A/11, Vinod Bhawan, India Motor Circle, Kutcheri Road, Ajmer. 305001


Bank of Maharashtra  Ajmer Branch : A/C Number 201233

 IFSC CODE : MAHB0001231

Micr Code: NONMICR

Bank of Maharashtra 12/20 Ram Bharosa Bhavan Opp. G. P. O. Prithviraj Marg Ajmer-305001

 Paytm ke liye mobile number 829005198


Paytm ke liye mobile number 9829073492


Send by Western Union & Money Gram

Send the Nazar-O-Niyaz by Western Union & Money Gram and
 inform me by e-mail ,call me on my mobile or sent message (TXT).





E-MAIL:- zakariagurdezi@ziaratekhwaja.com

     zakariagurdezi@gmail.com  &  gurdezi@gmail.com



E-MAIL:- zakariagurdezi@ziaratekhwaja.com

AJMER DARGAH CHIEF MOALLIM & CHIEF GADDI NASHIN Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Chishti Gharib Nawaz (A.S)









E-MAIL:- zakariagurdezi@ziaratekhwaja.com


Ajmer Sharif Dargah Phone: 0091-145-2423825, 2620512
  Ajmer Sharif Dargah

Mobile: - 00+91+9829073492, 8000252510

Ajmer Sharif Dargah


Note:-Send your contribution (Amount)
by Western Union, Money Gram in the name of

 inform me by Whatsapp 00918000252510 by sending Trackng number (MTCN).


